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Strange not to be night eating

It's so strange. Tonight is the first night, in a long time that I haven't eaten past the point of fullness. I'm just full..not over full, or to the point where I can feel the food in my belly..just plain old not really hungry. Yet, I still feel the desire to much the night away. I want to look through my fridge and see what's in there. It's almost as though the food's been keeping me company at night. It's a little lonely to be on my own. Can anyone relate to this or am I just crazy?

Mon. Jan 2, 11:38pm

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I can COMPLETELY relate

My husband travels a lot during the winter. I'm talking weeks at a time. I tend to get a little depressed in the winter as it is, so him traveling just makes it worse. I usually use shopping or eating as a comfort for me. I really need to stop.

I just started a group called Night Bingers if you'd like to join, I'd love to have you. Maybe we can help each other!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006, 12:32 AM

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This is very common - many of us eat for comfort, companionship. As someone said, a piece of cake never insulted you or put you down. This is a struggle for many if not most of us so there is nothing strange about it. It's so great to talk about these issues because I believe they are at the root of overeating or unhealthy eating for many of us. Check out The Sweetest Fruit by Laura Mellon. Some people drink, some people shop, many of us eat when what we really need in our lives is something more emtionally satisfying.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006, 7:17 AM

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so last night i went home after 24 hours of a fabulous post-new years fling, and although i wasn't hungry (i ate right before leaving) i was craving all sorts of creamy desserts and chocolates. it was obvious that my craving was a reaction to leaving the comfort of being with someone--probably helped by the effects of salt and msg on my body chemistry from the chinese food for lunch and dinner!
i was able to convince myself not to binge on sweets with the following arguments, so i thought i would share them, maybe they will help someone else!

1. i was comfortable enough in my body to be naked in front of a lover because i haven't been binge eating--and it felt so good!
2. i resolved not to eat after 8 this week. even though i had dinner at almost 9 (i cheated!!) that doesn't mean i should cheat more. better to get right back on the wagon
3. if i have to have something i will have a hot chocolate made with nonfat milk and no real sugar (blood sugar must already be off if i have such a sweet tooth--don't make it worse), but first i will drink some green tea (this was enough, I didn't even want the hot chocolate enough to make it after drinking a tea)
4. if i don't eat tonight, i can have whatever i want for breakfast (waffles, omlette, pancakes, muffin, etc) and not feel guilty.

and in fact, when i woke up this morning it felt so good to not have binged last night, and all i wanted was a healthy, balanced, and small-to-normal portion breakfast

Tuesday, January 03, 2006, 7:44 AM

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I love that last post!

I love it!
I am going to "steal" it from you. I am going to institute the policy of "if i dont eat carbs after 9pm, i can eat whatever b-fast i want". I know that i will be just like you and not want to eat it, thus beginnning a healthy cycle that will last and last!
Thank you SO much!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006, 10:00 AM

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