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Shin Splints Revisited

Okay, I gotta ask--can anyone recommend a running shoe that has helped your shin splints? Any leads would help. Thanks and happy Sunday!

Sun. Sep 16, 6:59pm

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I have the proper running shoes, but I get shin splints on occasions for other reasons. Are you SURE your shoes are the problem???

Moreover, the shoes will only help if they're for YOUR arch. You haven't told anyone if you over pronate, pronate, or have a neutral step, so no one can give you any useful advice.

Sunday, September 16, 2007, 7:50 PM

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There's no such thing as the perfect pair of anti-shin splint shoes - it's about getting the right shoes for your type of foot and the surface you run on.

I keep hearing about these special sneaker places where you run on a treadmill so that the resident expert can assess your gait, footfall, arch, pronation, etc. but I've never actually found one. Check out the "shoe lab" on or similar sites for some guidance. Also, make sure you replace your shoes every 300-500 miles. FYI, most runners replace at the lower end of that range.

Also, I'm not sure how overweight you are or when you started running, but once you resolve your current problem (by taking 1-2 weeks off and using lots of ice and massage), cut back on your program. If your BMI is over 30, consider alternatives, because your body might not be able to take it at your current size, and that's another very individual variation.

Sunday, September 16, 2007, 7:53 PM

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OP here... I am an overpronator and about 20 lbs. overweight. I get shin splints even from walking at a fast pace. Your answers have been helpful. I think I'll find some exercises or something. Thanks!

Sunday, September 16, 2007, 8:02 PM

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Another thing - try walking on a different surface. I switched from asphalt to a cinder path to help with my recovery from shin splints.

This list of running surfaces is copied from (linked below). 1=awful, 10=awesome.

Grass 9.5
Wood chips 9
Dirt 8
Cinder track 7.5
Track 7
Treadmill 6.5
Asphalt 6
Sand 4
Snow 2.5
Concrete 1

Also, in addition to pronation, there's a matter of whether you have a high, average or low arch, for which there is a wet-foot-on-paper test. I overpronate mildly and have an average arch, and I wear Saucony sneakers that are classified as "stabilizing". New Balance has some good ones for my foot type too.


Sunday, September 16, 2007, 8:16 PM

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The other thing that helps prevent shin splints is lots of calf stretching. Not just when being acitive - but on the off days too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007, 8:46 PM

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I'm a sprinter and I get horrendous shin coach gave me 2 ideas that worked, because the main issue with shin splits is that 1 muscle is less developed and is getting 'pushed' against the bone..

a. Run backwards for a little
b. Put a wait on your toe and lift/drop the toe..almost like weight lifghting for your foot? lol yeah

It works!

Also, I'm also an overpronator with 15 lbs to lose...I loveeeeee the Asics I got the other day...amazing!

Sunday, September 16, 2007, 9:34 PM

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OP again-
Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, September 17, 2007, 9:34 AM

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I have suffered shin splints since I was in the 6th grade, I am now 32. This year I couldn't even walk 1/2 mile without severe shin splints and pain. I decided to ask my chiropractor about it and here's what we did:

massage therapy, ultrasound therapy, electrotherapy (to losen the muscle), and adjustments on my feet. did 5 sessions--that's it!

I have tried EVERY shoe in the book spending thousands of dollars. Turns out, it was all in my feet! I gave up the heels, wear the last pair of running shoes i bought with over the counter orthodics and i can walk miles now without problems.

Good luck!

Monday, September 17, 2007, 10:05 AM

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