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Icky Complexion from the gym

Hi guys,

I'm a fairly active girl who goes to the gym almost every day. Since I started really upping the workouts, my face is breaking out alot more. This is weird, because I'm normally very cool with the complexion, never ever get zits.

I think it may be from the excess sweat or the towels they let you use at the gym.

What do you guys do about this problem?

Tue. Sep 25, 12:03pm

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i use my own towels (no chance of allergic reactions to laundry soap, dryer sheets, etc...) and i always use the sauna or steam room after a workout to purge my pores and release any funky germs that have settled while using the public machines. when you wipe your brow or face at all, use your own towel or wear sweat bands on your wrists and use them. touching your face while/after using the constantly touched machines, weights, handles, keypads, etc...spreads germs like crazy. it's going to get better!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 12:09 PM

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Do you wash your face as soon as you are done working out? If no, then you should start! Hair products and sweat can drip onto your face and cause breakouts.

Do you wear makeup to the gym? If so, stop! Even noncomedogenic (sp?) makeup can clog pores if mixed with sweat and rubbing from a towel.

Wash your hands and make sure you aren't touching your face during a workout. There are lots of germs you may be picking up while you are there.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 12:27 PM

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FYI, I've read that saunas/steam rooms can actually be bad for those of us with sensitive skin. I guess in some people they can flare up roseacia (sp?).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 1:35 PM

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i have sensitive skin and use the steam room / sauna a lot!! and i have for years!! but, i also haven't used soap on my face for about 25 years. and i don't wear foundation or makeup. before i started going to the gym, i used to steam my face over the sink, with hot, hot water running and a towel draped over the back of my head to allow the steam to be trapped for a bit. i never had any skin conditions or acne, though. don't know if that's related or if i just got lucky...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 2:10 PM

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Ditto the advice about washing your face immediately after you finish your workout. My problem is pretty much all forehead, so I avoid moisturizing that part of my face (my skin is naturally quite dry) on the advice of a skin consultant at a reputable spa where I got a facial. I also use a cleanser that has a mild scrub quality to it (Oil of Olay with microbeads) and really work it into the acne-prone parts like my hairline. The problem is greatly reduced, but I'm still trying to perfect it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 4:00 PM

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Yeah, well I used to have an excellent complexion - never got spots, but as soon as I hit 30 I've suffered from acne. Nothing major has changed. It's happened to a number of my friends as they reached 30. It might just be an age thing. That being said, it's really annoying me now because I haven't had a spot-free day for months, so I'm off to my doctor to see if anything can be done about it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 6:52 AM

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