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Anyone in the fashion industry?

So, by Christmas vacation, I will be at my goal weight (10 lbs...2 lbs a week so far)

I've been saving money, and will have about 2000 dollars for a new wardrobe and I want to look CRAZY HOT. :]

I'm 17, 5'8, long legged, with a definate hourglass shape (wide hips, relatively hefty on top...C). Which winter 2008 looks should I go for? Which classical peices should I definately stock up on? Any looks I should probably not try 'cause they're probably short lived/not good for my body?

Any ideas appreciated!

Sun. Oct 14, 7:12pm

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You've got to be kidding right? If not you seriously need to get a life. Just go in to different store and try on stuff, its not rocket science.

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:41 PM

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OMG, don't listen to that rude 1st post. With wide hips, don't do the skinny jeans tucked into boots look. You could go for the superflare pants right now, they're very flattering on hourglass as long as you go for a short fitted jacket. Don't do the long sweater thing, do do the cape jacket thing as long as the cape stops short. H and M usually has cute great trendy stuff and you can get a lot for your money. Mix and match some nice expensive peices with the basics. Get a VERY nice coat because you have to wear it every day, with everything (unless you live in cali).

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:45 PM

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Oh, and get a pair of peep toed pumps. So cute and hot.

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:46 PM

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Get a book by the What Not To Wear gals. They will go through everything that is good for your shape and you'll never buy the wrong clothes again!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:59 PM

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Why can't women trust their own judgement on what looks good on them?? I mean come on you know when something looks bad on you. I'm with the first poster. Go try on clothes don't ask a community group something like that when we have no idea what your body looks like.

Monday, October 15, 2007, 12:57 AM

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you're 17? I'd spend the 2000 on therapy. Unless your parents are really wealthy, you're crazy to spend 2000 to simply look "Crazy hot". How bout an education? How about something more worthwhile than an expensive new wardrobe? You shouldn't need to spend $2000 to buy a wardrobe that makes you feel crazy hot. Crazy hot comes from inside, not a department store.

Monday, October 15, 2007, 1:08 AM

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Man - you guys are rough... the poor girl had no ill intentions and just wants to buy some new clothes and wants advice - that's what we are here for! Don;t be jealous because she has an extra 2k to buy clothes to reward herself and look "crazy hot" for all her hard work.

Monday, October 15, 2007, 2:35 AM

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12:57 Have you seen what people are wearing out there?? Especially young girls - they follow what's 'in' not what looks good on them!

Give the girl a break. More power to a person who has met their goal, wants to improve how they look and has the money to do it!

Monday, October 15, 2007, 8:39 AM

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OP back

Thank you to anyone who actually answered my original comment. Your ideas and support were very much appreciated.

As for the comment regarding my intelligence, I'm 17 years old and go to a "specialized high school" in my area. I'm one of the top students in my grade, conduct research and have won multuple awards for my acheivements, and have standardized scores to back up my assertions that I am, in fact, very intelligent. I have a 2170 SAT, 1450 on the old scale, and a perfect 800 on the reading comp. section. So please, leave your narrow minded comments somewhere they belong - like the trash.

And thank you 2.35 - It's true! All I wanted was some ideas. I wasn't saying I'd spend ALL 2k on clothes, or that I was going to automatically run to Gucci and Fendi for my new wardrobe. For everyone who has an issue - I earned the money fairly, and don't have to deal with any expenses of my own at the moment. As for college/education, my parents are paying my way through for anything that SCHOLARSHIPS aren't covering. You know - scholarships - what smart people get when they go to college. At least I don't spend 2k on drugs like a lot of kids my age.

And thank you 8.39 - that was EXACTLY my point. I wanted some ideas for trendy clothes that are not only "in" but also will work with my body to some extent.

I can only contend that those who have expressed bilious remarks regarding my request are sore because I'm going to look gorgeous in my new body and outfit (REGARDLESS OF THE PRICE TAGS) while they're obviously heavier and stll stuck in mumus.

Further nasty comments aren't necessary - but if you have more comments that go with my original post, please, go ahead!

Monday, October 15, 2007, 4:24 PM

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8:39 the point of the comment was that any friggin store you go into for young girls are full of all the "fashions" of the day for that age group. You can't get away from it.

Monday, October 15, 2007, 4:38 PM

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Now, now everyone,...settle down. True,....if you don't have anything nice to post then move it along, move it along. Focus your energy somewhere else,.....go jogging.

I realize the original poster was trying to defend herself with her last post, however this comment:
"I can only contend that those who have expressed bilious remarks regarding my request are sore because I'm going to look gorgeous in my new body and outfit (REGARDLESS OF THE PRICE TAGS) while they're obviously heavier and stll stuck in mumus."

My dear such a rebuke is extremely condescending! I hope that with all your intellect you will soon learn that mere avoidance to the pessimistic is the best direction of choice.

Good luck, congratulations and remember: Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman but still loose enough to show you're a lady!

Monday, October 15, 2007, 4:59 PM

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Well I am in the fashion industry but for children so that probably wouldn't help you:)

Since you are tall I would pick things that emphasize your length.
My opinion? skirts and dresses that that fall just above your knees,skinny jeans,will accentuate your length but can also make the hips appear larger. Most importantly buy what you feel comfortable in.It will show through with your confidence!

Oh what does it matter you know you will look great no matter what you pick,right?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 2:01 AM

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For someone claiming to have such high marks and scores you are acting pretty dumb and childish. You sound like a typical teenager who thinks to much of themselves. Who also cares to much of what other people think. Most highly intelligent people could care less then what others think of them. As far as clothing goes, just try stuff on and get over yourself.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 12:51 PM

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You know, I am not a professional in fashion but I saw many cool articles about it and I am sure one of them will definitely answer your question. So, you can start by reading Belene Chandia's replica fashion tips. This is the best service about fashion I saw and I am sure you will like it as well.

Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:51 AM

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