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Anyone have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

I've had IBS for about 5 years now and it was diagnosed during a stressful family illness. My doctor said it would go away as the stress in my life subsided, but I still suffer from it.

I'm just curious as to what other people do to overcome the symptoms of IBS? Do you use medications, special diets, ect? I've tried taking extra fiber like metamucil & Benefiber but after two weeks I still felt bloated and gross so I had to stop those. So, now I use Colace every night and I'm afraid of getting too attached to the laxative type pills. So, any advice to this??

Sat. Oct 27, 1:25am

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Hi, I have IBS. The best thing for me is taking fiber everyday. The one that doesn't give me gas or other side effects is Citrucel. Water, is also my friend. Also, once I started taking Lexapro (anti-depressant) the symptoms really subsided the most. Sometimes, anxiety can be a the root of the problem.

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 8:51 AM

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I have symptoms of IBS but have never been diagnosed with it. I'm fascinated by the idea that fibre improves the situation. I've always moved to breads when I'm stricken.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:15 AM

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It is recommended in the U.K. that anyone with IBS (and there are about 2.5 million, yes, million! people with it there. That's one out of every ten people) get tested for Celiac Disease. This is especially true if your IBS gets worse with fiber intake.


Monday, October 29, 2007, 4:55 PM

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I had IBS in highschool (related to stress) and did take a form of medication although I don't remember what it was... A blue pill!
Once I was out on my own and in college it subsided and I suffered few instances.
I was small in highschool, gained weight in college and am now maintaining my goal weight (lighter than I was at 18!) and haven't had any issues since beginning my healthy lifestyle.
So for me it was associated with stress and I was able to overcome IBS naturally. Good luck, I hope that helps!

Monday, October 29, 2007, 6:58 PM

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blue pill = bentyl

it works amazingly well... my husband can't function without it! his IBS isn't stress induced but stress does make it worse. i have stress induced but i've noticed that if i'm in a really stressful situation lasting a while (family illness) then i have to make sure i eat whole foods rich in fiber and no fast food, it keeps me from having to take meds....... but if you need the blue pill, take it! ;o)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 3:43 PM

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