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MYO Nut Butter? What tool do you use?

I love natural nut butters but they are SO expensive at the health food co-op. Wanting to make my own, I put a few raw cashews and macadamias in my Magic Bullet and pulsed it. Bad move. The Magic Bullet is great for blending fruits with yogurt but can't handle grinding nuts into nut butter. Not even soft ones like cashews. Any of you who make your own, what machines do you use?

Thu. Nov 1, 4:40pm

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I did it once in a Cuisinart food processor.

Friday, November 2, 2007, 8:26 AM

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How did that work for you? Well enough that I should look into buying one?

Friday, November 2, 2007, 12:04 PM

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Hey I'd like to know too. There are some really cool nut butters available in the stores, but like you said, WAY too expensive. Shoot! $12 for a 12 oz jar of almond butter. $9 for a 12 oz jar of cashew butter. If there's a really good and reasonably priced machine I can buy to do it myself, I'm all for it!

Friday, November 2, 2007, 8:37 PM

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Are nut butters even good for you when your on a diet?! They are so full of fat it's not funny. Especially the cashew butter or the one that mixes cashew and macadamia together. Can you say F A T T E N I N G?????????

Saturday, November 3, 2007, 4:00 PM

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Nut butters just need to be consumed with a lot of attention to portion control.

I just googled "how to make homemade peanut butter," and the top few sites all recommended a blender or food processer, but all noted that the "recipe" for peanut butter is peanuts and vegetable oil, not just peanuts. Blenders generally need some liquid, so maybe the oil would help. I saw one recipe that recommended 2T of oil for every cup of peanuts.

Also, remember that the nut butter you make will not have any of the preservatives that most store-bought varieties have, so store your nut butter in the fridge and don't keep it for longer than a few weeks.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 3:33 PM

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