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"bubble butt"

i want one!! i don't want to lose weight and be left with a flat lack of butt, but i also don't want a flabby "extra weight" booty.

does anyone know any excersises/machines that get this type of rear? is is "body shape" and thus predetermined? help!

Sun. Nov 11, 4:04pm

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lunges!!! I do a lot of these and as I've lost weight I've kept a very nice rear end, if i do say so myself. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007, 9:58 PM

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There is a gene that originated in a large tribe in sub-Saharan Africa that the Dutch dubbed the "Hottentuts" (which probably translates to "bubble butt").

Sunday, November 11, 2007, 10:10 PM

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'Tis the season for ice skating!

Monday, November 12, 2007, 8:48 AM

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When I was in college, one year I lived down a big hill from campus that had a huge staircase (probably 3-4 flights of steep stairs) that I walked every day. Before that year, I always had a flat butt; afterwards, I had a nice little bubble!

Monday, November 12, 2007, 10:28 AM

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thanks for the tips everyone!! i think i'm going to take up ice skating some more, because it IS the season and i can probably keep at that for a while longer than i could stairs XD

not to mention that my school already has flights and flights of stairs :\ and no elevator lol.

question - does working at a desk for long periods of time really "flatten" your butt? i do a lot of desk work (lots of hw :\)

Monday, November 12, 2007, 11:44 AM

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2 moves to try...

I wanted a "butt lift" naturally, of course. I wanted that nice perky look. So, for the past several weeks, I do one particular exercise...

Every morning, when I'm in the shower, before I'm ready to get out, I bend down (like I'm going to sit) then I come back up squeezing my cheeks and hold for 20 seconds. I do this 2-3x every morning...when I remember. You, obviously, don't have to do it in the shower, but that's how I remember to do it.
It has made a huge difference in the look of my rear! Now it's a perky bubble vs. the flat jiggly thing it was before.
Good luck OP.

One other thing I do...
When I take the stairs, I take them 2 at a time and always hold my cheeks tight as I'm walking up them. I guess it's like an up-hill lunge? I think this move has helped as well.

Monday, November 12, 2007, 11:52 AM

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distance running has transformed my large rear into a nice round one. it's never had a nice shape no matter how thin i was.... it's looking pretty good now!

Monday, November 12, 2007, 12:14 PM

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