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Want to just finish a half or full marathon?

Come train with me! Perhaps we could even run the race together if we live in the same area.


Mon. Nov 12, 11:14am

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Louisville, KY holds a half and full marathon in October. I ran it a few years back. Great veiws not enough people on the sides to cheer you on. Good luck. I still have another few months before I can start training again.

Monday, November 12, 2007, 11:19 AM

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Hey dude- good luck on your marathon/half marathon, but if I may, a word of advice- don't run a marathon just to finish it- that's a great way to end up injured or trash your knees. If you can't finish a marathon in under 5 hours, don't do it.

Start small- run some 5ks and 10ks. Learn how to run well. Once you build up some speed and some strength, say, after 2 or 3 years of 5-8 5k's a year, then start thinking about a marathon.

Finishing a 5k (or a 10k) well is a heck of a lot more rewarding than "just finishing" a marathon...

Monday, November 12, 2007, 1:45 PM

Add comment's the original poster here...I'm a girl but I'll answer to the "dude" statment ;) ...I have been running for a while. I've done 5Ks and also just completed a 15K a couple weeks ago (11 min mile pace). I ran and chatted with a friend during that entire race. This isn't a spur of the moment kind of thing for me. The program I'm doing takes a least 16 weeks. I'll slowly build up to doing a marathon and may have to repeat weeks as I go if I don't move as fast as the program builds. I also plan to run at least one half marathon before attempting a full. My goal is to enjoy running and finish a marathon...not finish and die. By "just finish" I mean I am not training for speed at this point...just endurance to keep up my slow 11 min mile pace up for longer distances.

Monday, November 12, 2007, 4:45 PM

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OP- you have the perfect attitude! i swear i was reading my own thoughts as i read yours... i ran my first 1/2 marathon last month and it was amazing! no, i didn't finish it as fast as some people, but i wasn't the last either... go get em! yeah there's people that run it faster, but at a slower pace we're working harder and longer than they are... good luck!

Monday, November 12, 2007, 10:09 PM

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