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rosacea and foods

I have long had mild rosacea, that I thought wasn't very noticeable and that I could live with. Well, in the last week it has just blossomed across my nose, which now looks purple!

I have read that the following foods can make rosacea worse: alcohol, hot peppers, and tomatos. I haven't been eating a whole lot of any of those in the last week. Alcohol I could cut out of my diet entirely and not miss that much. But I'm not sure life is worth living without salsa! Are there other foods that people know of that I should beware of? I really do not want the rosacea to get so bad that it scars and my nose gets huge.

I do wear sunscreen on my face, BTW.

Thu. Nov 15, 6:03pm

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The problem w/ rosacea is that you can't cure it. Eventually the redness/bumps will become permanent if you aren't treating it. Everyone has their triggers-for me it's redwine, hot peppers, sun and vinegar. But i know people who can't have spinach, or even particular fruits. Some things will affect you, some won't.

I do continue to eat the spicy stuff-but I just make sure I don't have it everyday. I have a prescription for Metrogel that I use twice a day and my skin looks soooo much better. I use Aveeno's Ultra Calming face wash/moisturizer and night cream every day. It makes a huge difference also-my skin doesn't hurt, or feel irritated, tight or look red after using it. It's good stuff, I promise!

Really intense exercise can aggravate rosacea, as can certain medications (some blood pressure pills for instance)-have you upped your exercise lately or began a new med? Back off from the things you know aggravate your skin and see if it helps but also if you aren't already, go see a derm to help get it under control. You don't have to walk around looking like rudolph, I promise!

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 6:34 PM

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I have never been told that I have rosacea but always wondered if that is what I have been fighting.
My upper cheeks and nose get really red when I get over tired. Like if I am out shopping or when I used to do a lot of walking. And sometimes I wake up with a really nasty like dime sized spot. It looks like a pimple but not raised and goes away usually throughout the day.
I never thought it could be food related I always assumed it was medicine related.
It started when I started a bunch of meds.
Do you know anything over the counter I could try to lessen it.
I am very sensitive to smells.

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 9:06 PM

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