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Soup recipes?

It's cold outside. I keep reading about everyone eating homemade soup. I want some too! Can someone tell me how to make an *easy* vegetable and/or chicken soup? I don't have a crock pot yet either :(

Many thanks!


a challenged cook

Sat. Jan 14, 7:51pm

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how homemade? In a pot put broth or bouillion cubes with water. Put on stove and simmer. Add a teaspoon of savoury, some garlic, some cayenne, and turmeric. You can mince and add a celery stalk, a small onion, (or be like me and puree them in the blender). You can add egg noodles or potatoes. Just keep simmering for an hour or two. You could also add corn or peas, or lentils, or beans... if you like that kind of stuff...

Personally, the celery, onion, garlic, and especially savoury, are the keys to a good chicken soup. Simply add in whatever else you like.

Saturday, January 14, 2006, 9:04 PM

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not to be ignorant, but what's savoury?

Saturday, January 14, 2006, 9:21 PM

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it's a seasoning. go to your grocer and you should be able to find it with the spices. If by miracle you can find Mt. Scio savoury from Newfoundland, it's awesome. Otherwise, just check your spice section at the supermarket.

Saturday, January 14, 2006, 9:42 PM

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Bean Soup

There's a bag of beans that is sold at pretty much every grocery store I've gone to - it's a bag of 15 kinds of beans, and called something like Hambean, or just called 15-bean soup. You dump the bag of beans into a pot of water and boil for 2 minutes, then let it sit covered, with no heat, for an hour, then drain and rinse, add water again, and let it simmer for an hour and a half or so, adding the included flavoring packet toward the end. It's also good if you add an onion or some onion powder; I plan on making it this week in a crock pot all day (probably skip the soaking part), with some cut-up potatoes and stew meat.

Monday, January 16, 2006, 10:31 AM

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makes perfect sense thanks! I wonder why certain beans need to be soaked, while others don't.

Monday, January 16, 2006, 11:21 AM

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I've made the above "bean soup" before without soaking/rinsing the beans, just cooking them a bit longer. And it's turned out just fine.

Monday, January 16, 2006, 11:39 AM

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