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excercises for the hips

are there any good excercises that work the hips?

Sun. Jan 15, 8:21am

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Spot reduction is what you're talking about.

There's many articles on the net that talk about spot reduction and the fact that you really need overall fitness to target those areas. Yes you can work those specific muscles with weights and lunges - that will help but you need an overall fitness program to lose inches. I've attached a link for an article that has more specific information on it.

Blozzom :-)


Sunday, January 15, 2006, 8:41 AM

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Lower body pilates moves

Here's 3 lower body pilate moves you could try. Courtesy of You should check out there site if you want other ideas for exercises.

Blozzom :-)


Sunday, January 15, 2006, 8:44 AM

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I do weights and pilates and lost 2 inches off my hips in the past month.


Sunday, January 15, 2006, 9:39 AM

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Lori- you are a rockstar!

Sunday, January 15, 2006, 10:20 AM

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Love Handles

A good one for your love handles is to stand, feet shoulder-width apart, with a dumbbell in either hand (or a jug of water or something if you don't have access to weights) - doesn't have to be too heavy or anything. Then, slowly lean to one side, only bending at the waist, then slowly straighten, and bend to the other side. Keep your shoulders (and whole body) facing directly forward; do not twist at all) Bend until your body stops - it won't be all that far. At first, it won't feel like it's doing much, but do a set of 15 or so to each side (so 30 bends), and you'll feel tired there. Do 2 or 3 sets, and I guarantee you'll be sore the next day!

Anyway, that'll help firm up that area that "squeezes" out the top of pants, etc. Building muscle there will reduce fat overall, including there. If you do these exercises several times a week, in a few weeks, I swear, you'll have les of that icky bulge!

Sunday, January 15, 2006, 10:30 AM

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I've heard that bellydancing is an awesome exercise for the belly and hips!! :-) Basically, it consists of lots of little "hip circles" and isolating lots of those hip and belly muscles. It helps if you have a mirror...(I only learned 1 move, because i haven't had time to watch my whole tape).

I try to do the hip circles while I brush my teeth.
You basicall make a figure 8 with the hips and waist by rotating them one at a time while holding the abs in and steady... (look in the mirror to see that you are keeping the upper body very still.) Doesn't sound like much, but over the period of a few weeks, you'll start to feel your waist tighten up a bit. :-)

Maybe someone on here is more knowledgeable and can point us to some good bellydancing videos... :-)

Sunday, January 15, 2006, 6:49 PM

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Not necessarily spot reduction

Asking for hip exercises doesn't necessarily mean what will make my hips smaller... If you need to strengthen the hip area, work on lower ab exercises for general support. Also, some leg extensions that will work the hip flexors. And then abductor/adductor exercises. Go to the "maps" below and click on the body part you want to work on.

Female exercise map:
Male exercise map:

Sunday, January 15, 2006, 7:07 PM

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Gotta follow up... it was ONE inch lost on the hips last month. I'll take it!


Sunday, January 15, 2006, 7:36 PM

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Tahitian dancing is EXCELLENT for the hips too! I've never done belly dancing but tahitian and hawaiian I have. Both are good but tahitian is more cardio. Blozzom :-)

Sunday, January 15, 2006, 8:14 PM

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