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New here, looking for some help and motivation.

Hi. I'm 27 and about 15-20 pds over weight - not a lot, but boy is it hard to shed those extra pounds.
I've been doing pretty good for a few weeks now. I'm trying to follow the weight watchers points system, and I'm exercixing regulary. But, these past few day my motivation has been seriously lacking.
So I'm just hoping to find some friends to give me that extra push and keep me going.
This seems like a great place, so I'm sure I'll find all the help I need right here.
If you have any advice I'd love to here it. Like, for example, what keeps you motivated when you're starting to feel a little down?
Hope to talk to you soon,

Tue. Jan 17, 9:00am

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welcome. have you joined a group?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 9:01 AM

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Not yet.
I've been looking, but there are quite a lot, and I would like to find a group that's fairly active. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 9:17 AM

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You might want to consider starting your own group and then advertising here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 9:36 AM

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Welcome! I've been on PT since September 15th and I've lost 27lbs. I've found it to be really helpful. I would recommend that you get out there and join some groups. You can always switch to different groups if they aren't good for you.

In terms of motivation I keep some of my old clothes around and try them on every once and awhile to see how far I've come. In the beginning I set up mini goals with mini rewards (lose 5lbs. and buy that overpriced shampoo I've been wanting, etc...).

Good luck!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 10:26 AM

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Also, to find an active group, go to find/create a group and check the box that says most recent activity. This is usually a good way to find an active one. But the above poster's suggestion of the advertised groups is great. Those are usually seeking very active posters. Go to find/create a group and click on the last link that says see the latest advertised groups.

and, by the way, WELCOME!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:00 AM

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Thanks guys for the good ideas. I've joined a few groups now and can't wait to get going. I think its going to make a huge difference actually being able to talk to people in a similar situation.
By the way, I love the idea of mini rewards. I think my first one will be a pedicure. 5 more pounds and I get pampered! (My feet are going to need it if I keep using the treadmill)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:13 AM

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