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Looking for "Eat to Live" feedback for BIG losers & maintainers

I am a newbie trying to get a plan and I goofed in a previous thread asking these questions by misnaming Dr Fuhrman's book, but I still hope to get this info. I have lost 100lbs before and maintained it for years, but sadly have to do it again.

I am considering " Eat to live" ( combined with Beck) but I am not really a vegetarian type and am concerned that he does not seem to have very many 100 lb type success stories.

My experience is that it is a whole different ball game losing 100lbs than it is loosing 30, altho some of the basics are the same.

I find his website interesting, but the last time I lost I was on a low carb, lots & lots of veggies, mainly apples for fruit and lean protein diet.

I am a little nervous to commit to it because he says that lunch and dinner are pretty much salads and i know I get a little sick of endless salads.

I would love some feedback from people who have lost more than 50 lbs on the diet or anyone who has lost 50-100 lbs on it and maintained it for a significant time. I want to make optimal choice and keep it off permanently now because I am 55.

One of my other concerns is all the prep time it takes to keep up with all that grocery shopping,cutting, chopping etc time for a whole foods veggie diet with no processed foods, dairy,or animal products.

I have a family and travel in Europe ( for next several years) so that adds more challenge.

Any feedback about the diet would be good, especially about my concerns. Thanks in advance!

Mon. Dec 10, 9:00am

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I would also like to hear from some people who have followed this diet. I haven't read this book yet (waiting for it to come from ebay!) but have heard a lot about it. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I'm in the last stages of my weight loss journey, but I am interested in eating for maximum nutrition while I maintain my weight loss. But I have the same concerns as the OP as far as endless salads and prep time. Any people out there who have been on this diet long-term? What are your thoughts?

Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:12 AM

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what does the W by this thread mean?

Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:47 AM

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I have tried Eat to Live diet, although I had less than 50 pounds to lose. Although some of the information in there is useful, I didn't like the diet because I found it too restrictive. I could not eat the amount of vegetables that is recommended in the diet to keep myself full.

I did lose 60 pounds before that on Weight Watchers. I've gained some back and then lost it again, but combining the information that I've learned in Eat to Live and South Beach with the WW points system is helpful for me.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:35 PM

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10:47- is the thread always near the top of all the threads? I think that you asked to "watch" this thread. You can remove it form the list if you want

Monday, December 10, 2007, 1:03 PM

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the key to maintaning after you lose to pick a plan you can live with - AFTER you finish losing or you will end up trying to lose it again. that low carb was too hard to keep up with, right? pick a plan you can live with forever. like wieght watchers which allows everything in moderation. good luck!

Monday, December 10, 2007, 2:13 PM

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Actually I found the low carb easy to live with and maintained for years on that. I tried WW and hated it and it did not work for me, different strokes for different folks.

What I like about eat to live plan is the health benefit and its proven effectiveness for heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc. and I am seriously bringing the whole family over to this kind of super high nutrition eating ( although I am the only one who needs it for weight).

It is not that different than my low carb diet only they eat more beans and I used to eat more lean animal protein ( mainly chicken and salmon).

Thanks 1:03 for the insight about the W ;)

I really appreciate your input thru your experience. I am hoping more weigh in with their good and bad or mixed feedback from experience.

It really helps to know why someone loves or hates something and what works or does not and why. It helps me gage how it will work for me.

I know lots of people who love WW, but I have tried it a few times and it was a total nightmare for me. I like to have awareness, but I do not want to count calories and I am an organic food nut ,so want to eat the healthiest food for me.

I like Fuhrman's example and the study about the apple and pretzel choice where they were both the same exact calories, but because the apple was higher in nutrition, it helped more in losing weight.

Since I am older, I also like that his diet is the only one that can get your cholosteral to the best level. I do not have high cholesteral or heart disease, but I like the idea of getting as healthy as possible.

I do not just want to lose and maintain weight, I want to be as healthy as I can be given my personal limitations.My number one motivation is about having a long, high quality life.

I never heard of Furhman or this diet until I came to this site, so since it is promoted here, it seems there must be some one ( or more) who has had great success with it. Why else list it?

Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:23 PM

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Search the groups & teams for Fuhrman. There is one group that does the Eat to Live diet, and there is one team that does the McDougall, which is similar.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 4:51 PM

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WOW, I am really surprised that there is so little information from experienced users even on the one group. Since there are links to Furhman's diet, I expected a lot more experienced users.

It seems there are a lot of people who have similar questions about it and very few with experience to help out.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 7:11 PM

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Eat to Live

I am 50 years old, 6 feet, 270 pounds, very physically active. I had ballooned to 315 pounds and lost 45 pounds last year with Optifast. I have been maintaining my weight with variations on Atkins and South Beach Diets but not really losing due to too much cheating and too large portions...I keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds.

A friend recently gave me a copy of Joel Fuhrmans Eat to Live and the approach seems to make alot of sense...I would love to drop 30 - 40 pounds ovet he next few months if possible. I am worried however if i will able to stick with it since meat, chicken, eggs and cheese have become such a major part of my diet over the last 20 years or so of constant dieting (I have lost the same 50 pounds at least 3 times...)

Can anyone share their experience in terms of success (or lack theroff) in basically giving up meat, poultry, eggs and cheese? Or alternatively, has ayone had success in doing Eat to Live but with more meat, poultry and eggs than reccomended by Dr, Fuhrman?


Sunday, July 12, 2009, 3:24 AM

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if you want to see some success not only in weight but OVERALL health join the eat to live eat for health challenge team.. agreat bunch of people and very informative on nutrion..

actually I do a version of eat for health and I feel great when I eat that way. I don't find it hard .. I love salads and I make green smoothies .. i eat alot off fruits raw veggies, celery baby carrots and so on and I feel great.. I have been ona plateu for the last month , but thats not because of the plan.. I think its I have released so much weight 191 pounds.. so my body is just stalling, but the energy levels and my overall health and skin and everything is amazing when I eat this way.
so I will keep eating healthy , exercising drinking water and I think with this plan I will break my plateu besides its not all about the number for me.. I feel great

my username is lynneta.

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 8:22 AM

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