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lifting weights - how much do you do.

Much do to the encouragement here, I started lifting weights with my husband instead of doing all cardio. We're doing weights 2-3 times a week so far. My question is, for those of you doing weights, how much do you do each session (how many different weight machines or whatever) and how many days a week do you do it?

We're doing 2-3 times per week, 5-6 different machines each time, and on each machine 3 series of 12 reps. I

Fri. Dec 14, 8:24pm

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I think there are lots of ways to go about it, following a few 'rules' like don't workout the same muscle group two days in a row, use weights light enough you can get to at least in 7 reps, but heavy enough you aren't doing more than 15 (?) I forget - I usually don't get past 12...

What I do really depends upon how many days I can workout. If I can only workout 3 days a week then I do about 8-10 different exercises with free weights - sometimes machines - and work the whole body. I usually do 2-3 sets, about 10 reps.

If I have more days at the gym, I'll just alternate body parts so I'm not doing the same thing 2 workouts in a row - like upper one day and lower the next.

Your workout schedule sounds good. You should be happy with the results!

Friday, December 14, 2007, 9:03 PM

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I don't work out at the gym but I do weight lifting DVD's with free weights or bands for the whole body 2 times a week. The biggest I learned is what is good for your husband may not be the best routine for you. If you go to the gym get with a trainer for a session then every six weeks or so go back and get a new routine.

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 8:16 AM

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Thanks - that's good advice b/c I've just been following him around doing the same machines as he is. (not the same weight of course)

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 11:17 AM

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I workout at home, so I only use free weights except for the leg press that came with my bench. I do about a dozen exercises that cover every major muscle group 3 times a week. I do the same ones for about two months and change around and do different exercises for another couple of months or so. Except for squats, which is like the mother of all weight exercises. I do as heavy a weight as I can do 8-12 reps of. When I can do 12 fairly easily with good form, I up the weight about 10%. I first do a warm-up set with half that weight. Right now, I squat 80lbs, 18lb bicep curl, 29lbs row(back). I'm still working on doing a men's push-up though. I started in August mostly using my own body weight, so I've made a lot of progress. Everything I know I learned at


Saturday, December 15, 2007, 12:18 PM

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