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24 Hour Fitness' Jumpstart Program?

24 hr fitness has a deal for 30 day membership + 5 jumpstart training sessions for $79. sounds pretty good, especially since i only need membership for a month anyway while i'm home for winter break. has anyone else tried these jumpstart sessions before? do you think this is worth it?

Mon. Dec 17, 9:59pm

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i did the jumpstart sessions... basically, i didn't feel that the jumpstart sessions were enough (i think that's the angle). i didn't learn how to use the machines correctly or get a good workout in during those 5 half-hour sessions....

i spent my sessions doing bizzare things that were for the trainer to evaluate my level of fitness and goals. all the while pressuring you to buy more sessions... and i did, it took several rounds of sessions with the trainer and hundreds of dollars to really find the right workouts for me. it's a process that takes awhile and a lot of money. i did find that it worked, as i had to be accountable to not only myself but to him as well, as we had formed a friendship and had the measuring tape. i don't see him professionally now, but he still measures me and keeps track of my progress.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 11:08 AM

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If your going to be there for only a month I think it sounds great, thats more training session a week plus one and you can tell the trainer if you think you need a bigger push or boost. I think the other person who commented had a shitty trainer. If the trainer you get starts trying to peddle more sessions make it clear that you are not staying and just wanted to take advantage of the deal while you are in town. If they are a good trainer they will push you to your limits. They will have to do an assessment so don't be surprised if you spend the first session getting evaluated, but if they try to do the same thing at the next session talk to the manager.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 12:10 PM

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