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Exercise - which do you like most?

I've tried different mediums of exercise: walking, the treadmill, elliptical, weights, squash, swimming, spinning, workout DVDs...but after a while, I get bored, and am looking for something new and challenging.

What is YOUR favourite way to exercise...and that keeps you interested and motivated?

Thanks for your suggestions!

Wed. Dec 19, 12:14pm

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ENTERING CONTESTS, 1/2 marathons, full marathons, biking anyting that can give me a goal at the end. then off to the next one.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 1:06 PM

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I think most of us get bored after doing the same things over and over. I am always looking for new and different things to keep me interested in working out. Have you tried Dance Dance Revolution? I had a lot of fun doing that for months! I was soaking wet after doing it. It really was a great workout and a good challenge for your coordination!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 2:14 PM

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I agree with the contests post above. I joined a soccer team (co-ed, super casual), and it totally motivates me to get in my runs. I hate wheezing at the end of a game! It also has motivated me to start weight training for my legs - gotta be able to kick that ball farther.

As an added bonus, the games themselves are once-a-week, fun workouts in a social setting. (have to watch going out eating with the team after, though!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 2:57 PM

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Group activities

Weight training is one of my favorite exercises, but if I don't feel like going, there's no one to call me up and make me go. Last year I joined a badminton league with a couple friends where I sweated up a storm two evenings per week. My step and cardio hip-hop classes put a smile on my face even when I go in grumpy. Right now I am part of a running group that push me to levels I never thought I could reach. Making exercise dates with friends keeps me committed.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 3:44 PM

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OP: Thanks for your suggestions so far. I had not though of group sports teams ....that's a good one!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 5:05 PM

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I've recently (like..this week recently) discovered something called the "crossramp". It's almost like an elliptical? Only your legs slide up and down and there's no arms.

It takes some tweaking, but once you get your 'comfort' level for long term cardio, you could really do that thing for hours.

I used to run a lot, and the motion feels similar to running without the bouncing 'trauma'.

Also, at my personal level (ramp at a height of 9 and resistance of 9) I burn about 13 cals per minute and can easily keep it going for 30-60 minutes! I really reccomend it!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 7:02 PM

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I recommend something with progressions so you're either learning, or constantly ramping up your workouts. I particularly like bellydance but learning any kind of dance is fun, challenging and invigorating for me. I also love strength training and recommend hiring a personal trainer to keep the workouts mixed and challenging. I agree with the earlier poster, challenge yourself with a race. Start with a sprint triathlon and you'll get hooked! The Danskin sprint triathlon is very fun. Good luck.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 7:43 PM

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t-tapp. I'm fit, but the workout kicks my butt every time. And I have never had better muscle tone than when I do the program.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 7:58 PM

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I really like step aerobics, cardio kickboxing and eliptical machines.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 11:18 PM

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To the 7:58 pm poster...or to anybody that knows, what is: t-tapp?


Thursday, December 20, 2007, 10:56 AM

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from the t-tapp website:
\"T-Tapp is a series of copyrighted, sequential movements designed to put the body in proper functional alignment. Its special sequence of comprehensive, compound muscle movement helps establish better alignment as well as increased strength and flexibility of the spine, better neuro-kinetic flow, lymphatic function, and increased metabolic rate. Its physical therapy approach to fitness makes it safe for those with shoulder, hip, knee, neck, and back concerns. Yet, it delivers a challenging workout for all fitness levels!

T-Tapp's preventative wellness workouts deliver results inside and out. Instead of just focusing on burning calories and fat to lose weight, T-Tapp concentrates on helping the body rebuild digestion, assimilation, elimination, in addition to improving lymphatic function and neuro-kinetic flow. Increased energy, mental clarity and overall health immediately improve as your body tightens and tones. Faster inch loss occurs because muscles develop like girdles so they can uplift and cinch in target areas of concern. That's because T-Tapp develops long, lean muscle fibers with strength and flexibility for greater muscle density instead of muscle bulk. In fact, T-Tapp can redesign bulky muscles into lean, dense tissue! Best of all, this type of muscle development helps support the spine and joints in a rehabilitative way. Many injuries occur due to muscle imbalance, but with T-Tapp muscles are always built with strength and flexibility. It just happens that this type of muscle development also increases metabolic processing for higher burning of calories and fat even when not working out! Last of all, T-Tapp is a left-right brain, mind-body workout. Most have heard the phrase "if you don't use it, you lose it" but with T-Tapp it's never too late to rebuild fitness and health. Come discover "Yes You Can" with T-Tapp and FEEL the difference while you try some sample movements for free. "

They do have some try before you buy videos on the site. Her diva derriere move always always BURNs...

Thursday, December 20, 2007, 12:07 PM

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Awww thank you to the last poster!

Thursday, December 20, 2007, 1:52 PM

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I love Yoga, it's a great stretch and so relaxing.. really does a lot for stress relief and flexibility!

Thursday, December 20, 2007, 2:59 PM

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i go to cycling classes 4 times a week. I think its the best form of aerobic. After the class is finished, you feel like you can slip on a bikini and look amazing in it. You sweat a lot during this class which makes you feel like you accomplished alot.

Thursday, December 20, 2007, 4:02 PM

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I'm sorta scared of cycling/spinning...I feel like I'm not fit enough...but I'd like to eventually try it. Will have to train by myself for now :)

Friday, December 21, 2007, 11:59 AM

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I like walking... low impact for me :)

Friday, December 21, 2007, 12:06 PM

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