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Sitting and getting no where.

I sit a lot during the day due to work, classes and homework. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of getting any sort of activity while sitting down or in between or whatever. I get really ansy sometimes if I have been sitting down too long but I also need to concentrate or I just plain can't get up and leave. Any suggestions?

Thu. Jan 3, 2:35pm

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everytime I get up to use the restroom or refill my water- which is often- I walk a few laps around my office. It gets me moving and is usually 300-400 steps.. Better than nothing. and the more water I drink the better I do..

Thursday, January 03, 2008, 2:38 PM

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I've heard that sitting on a stability ball instead of an office chair will help strengthen your core musles. Also, if you fidget a lot- like, bounce your legs, that will actually burn some calories. Not a lot, but something is better than nothing!

Thursday, January 03, 2008, 4:36 PM

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Little hand weights - 5 lbs. - periodic curls, and other arm exercises

Thursday, January 03, 2008, 5:11 PM

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Schedule time to get up and move - 10 minutes here or there really adds up. Plus the fresh air helps clear your brain and you might find you come back to your studies with a new perspective. I also used to have to schedule a 1 hr workout break and make sure I took it (still do actually). In the evenings after dinner a group of us would go walking. To put that advice into perspective - I was carrying more than a full load of engineering classes, studied obsessively and made the dean's list every semester. But all work and no play does a body (and mind) no good.

It's all about setting your priorities. It's easy to let exercise go when you feel tired, stressed and pressured, but that's when you need it most. So put it right on your schedule with all your other priorities and treat it like the important part of your life that it is rather than an afterthought.

"Two men were assigned to chop an equally large amount of wood. The first man chopped all day for 2 days straight and finally finished. The second man would chop some, leave for a bit, come back and chop some more. He finished 1/2 day ahead of the man who did nothing but chop."

"The boss and the first man looked in amazement at the second man who had seemingly put less effort into it, but got done much faster. They asked how he did it."

"That's easy he said - everytime I left it was to sharpen my axe."

Don't forget to keep your own axe sharp. No one is going to make you take a break and it's easy to feel like you can't or don't have time, but you need to get up and walk away from time to time.

Thursday, January 03, 2008, 6:37 PM

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i started parking farther away when i get to work, go shopping, etc. few extra steps and some time to think.

Thursday, January 03, 2008, 8:15 PM

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