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About the "search" feature on old threads - Just curious...
If you see a thread that rehashes an old subject that has been covered multiple other times and it bugs you...why do you bother opening and commenting on the thread that there are obviously no new developments in? Why not just let the people that want to comment constructively do so without little snide comments? Is it so hard to skip to a thread you are actually interested in contributing something worthwhile, encouraging or even helpful? Like I said . . . Just curious . . .
Sat. Jan 5, 2:28am
I've been wondering the same thing...
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 8:33 AM
Because it's not always the exact same question (except for the Alli threads - they say it's not the same but it is).
Because there are always new people coming to the site, especially in January, who can benefit from using this feature that they overlooked. Pointing it out might head off a spate of more repeat topics.
It think all of these "it's fun to start a new thread on an old topic" people are the odd ones. Are they here for answers and info, or do they really find it entertaining to repeat themselves.
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 10:50 AM
Because there is anonymity with your comments on this site, the snide comments are always going to be many, many, many, many. Unfortunately that is the way many people are. In addition, with the new people coming to the site, (that the 10:50am) previous poster stated, we have a lot more people on the site now who want to respond and get info.
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 11:54 AM
I like starting new threads. I don't like the search feature and I like things to be current. So shoot me. I will be starting new threads, I hope others do the same and stop trying to control people.
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 12:43 PM
I guess I don't see the harm in repeat topics. I mean, there are only so many on a weight loss site, anyway. As the OP mentioned, if it really bothers someone why can't they just ignore it?
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 2:00 PM
Another thought is,
there are new people here and maybe they can offer a fresh perspective on old topics.
I don't see the harm in having them come up again if a person doesn't want to look don't open the thread. What does bother me is the rude comments.
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 9:05 PM
I guess that's just it - it's rarely a friendly suggestion - of 'hey - you might want to check out this link - there were lots of great ideas...' it's more like - 'hey dumbass, it's been discussed.' Oh well - it's one of the downsides to being anonymous, I guess!
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 10:14 PM
OP here . . . I admit it
I started this thread to sort of "vent" because I didn't want to pollute the threads with a response to those snide comments. I just think it unfairly takes away from the OPs question and really is not necessary. Thanks to ALL of you who expressed your honest opinions here. . . and . . . I really was curious. Your input here has been both refreshing and enlightening!! :)
Sunday, January 6, 2008, 3:05 AM
10:14 I agree
It's all in the delivery!
Monday, January 7, 2008, 12:19 AM
I agree with 9:05!
Monday, January 7, 2008, 1:10 AM
i hope the negative sounding people realize how it comes across and give their input a little differently in the future or like was already mentioned just skip the thread if they don't want to read it and comment helpfully sounding
Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 3:15 AM
i tend to skip reading alot because the threads become so long, that's why i start new ones. plus new people come to this site all the time and their opinion is just as valuable, with a fresh insite.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 9:03 AM
I totally agree. The "stop starting threads" people can skip the new threads or use the search feature themselves. I like asking new questions and getting new answers.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 9:37 AM
i even like asking the same questions and getting NEW answers i guess you can revive and old thread but then it becomes one of those really long ones
Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 2:20 PM
The search feature didn't always work right when I tried to use it but that seems to be fixed now.
Monday, February 25, 2008, 2:24 AM
I have found that even when you actually do search for a previous thread it may not come up and the reason is that you actually have to bring up the exact wording that the op used so this too could be the cause for some repetion it may be that a poster may not realize it actually is there, besides I feel if it bothers you so much do not read it or comment move on to something that interests you, I really have come to realize that some people have no life or control in areas of there life so they feel powerful on PT it is amusing to me, thanks for this posting!
Monday, February 25, 2008, 10:13 PM
The overanalysis on this thread is mindboggling.
I guess if it keeps you from overeating, it's not completely pointless.
Monday, February 25, 2008, 11:23 PM
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