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Totally off topic but want some opinions...

I'm thinking of going back to school for a masters degree that would increase my income by $20,000 to $40,000 a year. This is a field very related to my current field. However, I find it even more interesting. The catch here is that I just bought a house, I'd have to take out a loan for school, and I'd have to move to a new state up north. I figure I could rent out my house (although I'm rather protective and wouldn't want a slob living there!!!). I could get a loan no problem. I'm apprehensive about totally changing my life around. I'm pretty happy where I am. I love my current job but would love to do more. Its more than just the money. My current job can be tedious. The new field is so much more interesting. What do you PT folks think? I would apply around Dec this year for summer 2009 start date. Thanks and I hope you all are doing great with your weight loss goals!

Fri. Jan 11, 12:51pm

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i say go for it! if it's something your interested in, then the addtional money is a bonus!

i was in a simiar position as you, and i went for it. i'm so happy that i did! after one semester my current position had already become more fulfilling and i was recoginzed for my efforts to make my career multi-dimensional. you can never go wrong when increasing your education.

renting your house is not a big deal, it's not like you have to accept the first person that wants to rent it. as the land lord you are allowed to be picky! before purchasing my home, i had never lived in a place that didn't require a background check and references at the application process.

good luck to you and keep us posted on your decision!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 1:24 PM

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I did it and it was totally worth it! The housing market was a little better then- but now i have my dream job!
A plus- I met my husband while in grad school!!
I am so happy!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 1:30 PM

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If you want to change your situation in life, then you have to change it. It won't just happen on it's own. So if you want it, go for it!

I don't know if this is your situation, but, in many cases, you can transfer credits between colleges and universities. Maybe you could get some of your credits out of the way earlier, by going to a local community college that offers night classes (or classes at a time other than when you work). Make sure the classes would transfer first. But, that way you'll get some of the classes out of the way for less money than they'd cost at a university, and you won't have to spend as much time at the university, away from your home.

Also, be sure to apply for scholarships. If you are only making $20k/year, you will likely qualify for a lot of financial aid, and if you won't be making anything while you are studying, you'll qualify for even more. Also, remember, student loans can cover not only tuition, but also books, room and board, etc. And you usually don't have to start paying them off until after you graduate.

Good luck!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 2:27 PM

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6 months ago I quit my 60K job to start working towards a second bachelors (completely unrelated to my first) in nursing. It requires 1-2 years of pre-requs which I take at night after my full-time $12/hour job as a receptionist in a physical therapy clinic. Once I get into nursing school I i will not be working at all and living off of loans. This was a REALLY hard decision to make. While living without any spending cash is very difficult I know I will be making money again in 2-3 years. What is most important is I am so much HAPPIER than I ever was at my last job.
I say: GO FOR IT!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 2:36 PM

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op here

Thanks for your adivce everyone. I must clarify. I make more than $20,000. What I meant was my current income would increase by anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000 a year. I'll also add that I'm a 33 year old single female who wants to start a family eventually. I figure I'm single now so this is the time to go get my next degree. I already have 2 bachelors degrees. The second bachelor's degree was a career change into the medical field. The masters will boost my medical profession. The thought of moving up north is daunting. I live in Fl. Right now we have nice 70 degree weather. Well, I would return to Fl after I complete the degree. After all, my house will still be here waiting for my return.

I'm still open to more advice so keep it coming! And again, thank you!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 3:24 PM

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Absolutely go for it! Your still young, you don't have a husband or kids. Why wait? You can rent your home until your done, hopefully rent it for more then your mortgage so you can make a few bucks. Now is the time to do this. If you wait you take the chance of not having the freedom.

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 2:28 AM

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