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Does anyone have tips on getting a good nights sleep? (I'm not interested in drugs, otc or otherwise.)
Lately I sometimes don't get to sleep until late or wake up & can't get back to sleep. On those occasions that I don't have someplace I have to be, when I can't sleep at night, I might sleep until 11 which then sets me up to have trouble going to sleep that night. Vicious circle.

Sat. Jan 12, 1:20pm

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I think you should try to get yourself in some kind of routine. Try to go to bed earlier, and, unfortunately, not to sleep in until 11 on those other days. That should get you out of the 'circle'.
As for falling asleep, go for a walk before.

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 3:15 PM

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heated matress pad. my mom gave me one for christmas. it is insane. i put it on upside down in my bed; i feel like i am in a cocoon...

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 3:17 PM

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A lot of times I will take a hot shower before bed. It relaxes my muscles and it is quiet. Sort of calms my body down.
Other than that I take something to help me sleep.

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 9:52 PM

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I have insomnia. Most nights I see 5am hit before finally falling asleep. Which is aweful because my alarm goes off for 8:45 for work.

These are things that I have tried. Some have helped. Its worth a try.

1. Hot decaf tea... something warm to drink
2. Glass of milk before bed
3. Hot bath/shower
4. Very comfy bed sheets (in the idea that making my bed somewhere I really wanna be)
5. Walk with the dog before bed
6. A cocktail of Nyquil and Tylenol PM (Not reccomended)
7. Getting out of bed if I know i'm not about to fall asleep

I cant think of the other things. I've tried it all.

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 11:50 PM

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Have you tried taking melatonin? It's more a supplement than a drug, and is supposed to help you reset your circadian rythm and sleep pattern.

Saturday, January 12, 2008, 11:56 PM

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Not being able to remain asleep on a short-term basis is a sign of stress. So de-stress. On a longer-term basis, it's a symptom of depression...just a heads-up.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 12:11 AM

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Kinda know the feeling

Hey, I understand especially if ya have a hard time staying asleep. One thing that has helped me is to have lavender oil, either as a defuser or a spray or a candle. The scent helps me to relax before bed and now I actually tend to get 6 hours of sleep or more at a time.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 2:29 AM

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op - I did try melatonin. Unfortunately I can't get the dosage regulated so that I don't feel like a zombie the next day. The last try was on quarter of one of the little tablets. I sure did sleep but the next day I was walking around in a fog.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 2:45 AM

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occasional insomniac

Here are some of the findings I have discovered in my journey of sleeping better:

If you are awoken and need to pee:
1) don't drink after dinner
2) don't take any vitamins after lunch time

If your blood iron levels have any tendency to be low (doesn't have to anemic) then try taking a daily iron supplement.

Examine your evening routine - are you watching tv / computer right up to bedtime? Try turning those off at least 1/2 hr before bed.

There are some people who sleep better with light therapy (sunset / sunrise). There are lights available that can be helpful (I use one).

Is your sleep schedule regular or erratic ? I generally find my problems start when I get off of a schedule.

Stress is a regular culprit. If you have some stress, and you can't sleep because you are fretting over the worry, relax, and honour your need to contend with the stress. Maybe you need the still time to reflect on the state of things.

Try taking long deep breaths, slow in and out. Imagine the oxygen spreading deeper into your body.

There is an exercise where you tense from your head, neck, shoulders, arms, thighs, feet and toes, then you relax them in the other direction.

If you have trouble sleeping because of achiness, look into options for relieving it, Ibuprofen, or getting a massage, or getting to bed earlier.

Is your mattress less than 10 years old? If you are sleeping in a hollow, your spine might not be aligned. If you are in a position to get a new mattress, it is a great investment.
Research sleep apnea, if any of the symptoms seem

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 3:03 AM

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thanks all

op - special thanks to occasional insomniac - my iron levels do tend to run low, I will try adding iron. Also - I do wake frequently to pee - I will try taking my vitamins early in the day & not drinking after supper

more than one person suggested a schedule - to that end I decided that for now I will get up between 8a & 9a regardless & see if I can't get to sleep earlier after a day or 2.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 10:59 AM

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Used-to-be-an-insomniac here....

I second the 'don't drink after dinner advice. There's nothing I love more than a cup of hot chocolate or tea in the evening, but it was waking me up around 2 or 3 and then I'd have a hard time getting back to sleep.

Kill the 'thought beetles' - those thoughts that scurry around in your mind and keep you from dropping off. Learn to relax and just lie there peacefully while your body clams down - breathe like they teach you in yoga or pilates (rent a dvd if you need a quick tutorial) and really feel your body. Soon you'll be able to feel the tense parts and conciously relax them. Do not let other thoughts intrude - this takes some work, but it's worth it. You just have to be disciplined about not allowing them to intrude on your relaxation time.

Being scheduled works well for me as well. I wake up at 5:45 during the week, so I would sleep really late on the weekends (I'm normally nocturnal), but man if that didn't make things rough. I don't love getting up early on the weekends, and I don't get up at the time I would normally - I 'sleep in' til 7:30 or so, but I have to say it really, really helps me get enough sleep the rest of the week. It's also the best time to grab breakfast and head up to the mountains for a morning hike. Then I can get back by lunch and I still have lots of time for my weekend errands.

That leads me to my next point - get some fresh air! Get outside and make the blood move around and breath in the outside air. It's not scientific, but I don't believe we operate well on nothing but stuffy indoor air. It may be all in my head, but I believe getting outside and doing a little something makes a difference.

Get enough water - everything works better when it has sufficient amounts of the most basic building block of life. Same goes with exercise. Even if you can't get some fresh air due to weather or whatever, your body needs physical exertion to work best and you need to tire your muscles out a bit. Doing something like yoga and pilates is also quite relaxing and energizing at the same time - I'd seriously consider them for the relaxation and stress-relieving benefits.

I also agree with the matress advice and am adding pillow- make sure your pillow is good quality and supporting your head adequately for your preferred sleeping position. I'm also going to say top that off with some great bed linens - make your bedroom a welcoming and serene place. Someplace that looks both beconing and relaxing at the same time. Clear out clutter (physical clutter becomes mental clutter as well) and consider reading up a little on feng shui (I hate the name but there's definitely something to it). You can't relax in a chaotic, messy environment. Move any TV's outside the bedroom. TV is neither serene or relaxing and it will just keep you up if you watch it there.

Best wishes for a good night's sleep! I was an insomniac for years and it's absolutely miserable. I hope you are able to find some things that work for you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 1:44 PM

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another troubled sleeper here

This is something my whole family struggles with - things that help me in addition to recommendations above:

1. don't turn the lights on/get up if you wake up during the night (turns your brain "on" when lit gets light)
2. listen to downloaded hypnosis recordings to get back to sleep (ones that specifically target this area; try - they have helped me a LOT! I use "Go Back to Sleep", have been trying "Sleep and Dream" lately; "Quiet Mind" is helpful too.)
3. I try to stay away from pills, too, but my doctor recommended taking Calm's Forte - all natural, no side effects, and that is helpful too. Very cheap, no grogginess, doesn't put you out or anything (you can take it during the day - I think to help anxiety?? or before bed or whenever).

Good luck! I know, it's SO frustrating!

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 10:34 PM

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Forgot one very important thing: no alcohol 2-3 hours before bed! It may make you fall asleep but then you sugar crash hours later, waking you up.

Sunday, January 13, 2008, 10:34 PM

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Don't leave the tv on while trying to fall asleep - I actually had to take mine out of my bedroom I was having such a problem.
I have replaced my tv watching with reading, for about a half an hour to an hour before drifting off.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:37 PM

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-Yoga meditation
-Keep a journal next to your bed for all of those thoughts running around
-A mattress topper (best $ I ever spent)
-Turn the heat down before bed (I put ours on 60)
-Routine sleep (I go to bed at 10p and wake at 5:50a almost every day)
-Don't eat or drink too much before bed
-Complete darkness in room you are sleeping
-Complete quiet in room you are sleeping
-Don't nap during the day
-Don't drink any caffeine after the early afternoon

Sweet Dreams, OP!

Monday, January 14, 2008, 2:47 PM

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I curl my toes 12 times. I forget where I read that but some how it really works.

I also try to remember the dream that I had the night before..

Monday, January 14, 2008, 3:16 PM

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so grateful

op I'm so grateful for all the suggestions. They are helping me. thanks!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 12:55 PM

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