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OT Work advice - survival

Hi all..

I am two months into a six month contract and am having a difficult time. Its a very small place (14 people) and a couple of the women really don't seem to like me, and its affecting work. Without boring you guys with tons of details - how do I survive the next 4 months? I am getting very down about this and its affecting my entire life. Thanks everyone

Wed. Jan 16, 10:55pm

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Aaaah, the aroma of office headaches! Just refocus and remember why you are there. You have a job to do and concentrate on that. Do you need to interact directly with these women in order to get your work done?

Go to work and just smile. Even when they stare or give you the cold shoulder, be the bigger person and take the high road. Say good morning and go on with your day.

Keep gossip out of the office if you can and don't talk about the other women to your coworkers. Be the bigger person!

Good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 11:22 PM

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The good news is you only have four more months to go. It may seem interminable, but it's better than being locked in for a year or more.

If you can - depersonalize it. You can only come out ahead if you deal with these women in a strictly professional manner. You don't want to get caught up in any drama with them so you can leave with a clean 'record.' In other words, you don't want to give them anything they can use against you.

Perhaps they resent the contract employee breezing in and out. Is there anything you can go to them for - a question, some guidance, etc. - to show you respect them and feel they have something to offer? Without knowing any details it's hard to know what's going on, but try and take their perspective and see if you can give them a little something.

Can you see ANY positives? Are you gaining a valuable skill while you're there? Is your boss someone to learn from? Will it look good on your resume? You see where I'm going with this. If you're able to focus on anything that's positive - it will help you get through these next 16 weeks.

Good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 11:28 PM

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Make fun plans for after work, or lunch plans with friends who work nearby (if that is an option). Then you have something to look forward to during the day.

Try your best not to take work home with you. Remember, work is work; you do it to pay for the things you want to do in your life. So look at it as a means to an end. You do it because that is the way that you can grab drinks with a girlfriend, buy a great new sweater, pay rent on an awesome place, etc.

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 12:54 PM

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Bottom line just come out and ask them if there is something you are doing for the bad vibes you are receiving from them. I had to do that not too long ago and I finally said to myself enough. I spoke to the person privately and come to find out something was taken out of context and now this person also knows to speak to me if there is a problem. I have never been one who just took it. I want to know why and the only way to find out is to ask which can be very hard at first but it can be done. Good luck

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 6:53 PM

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At my last job there was a situation like this. I was an observer, not involved in anyway so think I can offer an objective point of view.

There was a choice project that a bunch of people wanted, and whoever got it and succeeded at it would have been promoted with all the perks and larger salary that come with it.

The company opted to do get the job done the least expensive way, as companies are wont to do. They hired a temporary independent contractor. The project took 5 months to complete. The temp got paid but the company didn't have to shell out for benefits, perks or continued salary.

While the temp was on the job, those staff members who wanted the project to further their careers were seriously bitchy to her. They treated her like she had a communicable disease, talked badly about her in the break room, played pranks on her in the ladies room. You name it. If it was childish and nasty, they did it. This was a group of women who previously had been at each other's throats over every juicy project or potential career advancement that they all were (supposedly) qualified to apply for. But since an outside contractor was hired on a temp basis, they banded together to wreak havoc on her work life.

Hope this gives you an idea of what may be the problem where you are. If it's this kind of situation, it really has nothing to do with you. Just keep being polite and professional and it will soon be over.

Friday, January 18, 2008, 11:38 AM

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As a woman;

I hate working with a bunch of women. Yuck! the mind games.

Friday, January 18, 2008, 3:55 PM

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I'm just curious, why don't they like you or why do you think they don't like you?

Friday, January 18, 2008, 11:25 PM

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