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dizzy when exercising

Hi all

I need to lose 200 pounds and am going to aquafit three times a week, watch what I eat and trying to have a positive attitude. (not always easy!)

I've been trying to use a treadmill two times a week but the other day I got dizzy after about 10 mins. Now I'm scared to try again.

Thu. Jan 17, 12:51am

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Good for you for making some changes! They always say - consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program...have you done that? Assuming you're in the clear - I'd just take it slow and not push yourself if you start feeling dizzy again. Just stop, rest and see if you feel like trying again. If it's persistent - talk to your doctor.

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 8:15 AM

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I definitely support the check with your doctor idea of the previous poster. That being said, I have had brief dizzy spells when I'm on the treadmill, but most often they happen when I'm starting to get sick (i.e., a cold) or if I don't have enough water with me to drink before/during my workout. I think the cold thing is more than likely related to being congested and my breathing being off.

I would check with a doctor. Take a rest if you need one. And make sure you're drinking enough water.

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 8:35 AM

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How fast are you going on the threadmill. if its in the morning make sure you have something to eat i.e don't exercise first thing on empty stomach. I agree with the comments about drinking plenty of water.

Good luck and well done keep it up but take it easy, have a gradual build up

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 9:10 AM

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I also agree with the water, I had a dizzy spell as well last week and I realized I wasn't hydrated, I started to shake afterwards & felt very hungry. But do speak to your doctor, thats always your best bet. Keep up the good work & don't let this episode discourage you.

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 9:13 AM

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how many calories a day are you eating? I actually passed out once when I was in HS. I was on Physican's plan weightloss and I ate exactly what they told me which wasnt nearly enough with the exercise I was doing. Talk to a dr or nutrionist..

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 9:59 AM

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HI All

Thanks for the advise. I haven't checked with my doctor. I know , me bad. I had a rough pregnancy and had five or more DR's appointments every week. Not sure I can face another doctor right now.

I am eating about 1500 -1800 calories a I said need to lose 200 pounds so can't cut down to 1200 right off the bat.

Could be the water. I was going slow on the treadmill so can't be that

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 10:23 PM

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Are you eating enough protein? Are you eating a little snack before you work out? It could be due to low blood sugar - I used to get dizzy when working out and it was because I didn't eat enough protein during the day.

Friday, January 18, 2008, 4:12 PM

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