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Defining Moment- When you KNEW Overeating had to stop, and how confessing on PT has helped you

The example that led me to Peer Trainer was that of the woman who resisting eating the cake and junk food at the company party and then got stuck cleaning up alone after the party was over, She again fought off the urge to eat some of the remaining iced sheet cake as she cleaned up and dumped it, and the other leftover food , in the garbage.
But just as she was leaving, she broke down, went back and grabbed a handful to the cake and ate it.
I thought-Boy can I relate ! and How great that she shared it in the PT community because it was the beginning of stopping that feeling of being out of control over food.

Wed. Jan 30, 2:00pm

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What works for me is seeing my group and teammates fall off the wagon, vacuum up every last morsel in their cupboards...and then get right back on track. Sometimes takes an hour, sometimes two days. But they never give up and that's the true key to success.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 2:05 PM

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When I started to count my calories...

I wrote down everything I'd eat in a normal day...but didn't count or think of the calories in the food.

At the end of the day, I counted the calories of all the food, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw the number.

Since then, I'm still counting calories but obviously I count them before I eat them :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 2:39 PM

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