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Not exercising and still losing....

For the last 3 weeks or so, I've only been working out about 1 - 2x's per week, but still lost weight. This got me to thinking about the time before I got serious about losing weight…

I had my daughter on July 19, 2004. When I came home from the hospital, I weighed 175 lbs, and stayed that way until 12 weeks ago. So, if I can lose weight by pretty much watching what I eat (which is much what has happened the last 3 wks), then does that mean I’ve eaten and extra pound or two of junk/week to maintain? OOOH GROSS!
The other thing that triggered me is that I don't feel I've had to work super hard to lose this weight. Yes, I’ve paid attention to what is going into my body and make an effort to move about more, strength train, and add some cardio a few times per week. But, I don’t feel I’ve really had to sacrifice or that the task at hand is impossible. (My mind may change when I get to my last 10 :) This irritates me because that means I’ve been at least 25 lbs over weight for a whole year, and it wasn’t necessary. A whole year has gone by because I was being lazy, had no motivation, and no will power. I’m disgusted at myself for that.

I don’t want to leave on a negative note…I’m proud of the weight I’ve lost (just wish it would have happened sooner), and am grateful that peer trainer is here to help. I guess the point of this thread is self-serving, but I know I’m not the only one out there.

Anyone share in my disgust of gluttony and laziness?

Fri. Aug 26, 9:30am

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Share in disgust for laziness...


Yes, I dont want to sound self-destructive BUT... all i feel is fat fat fat. And there is no excuse! I have seen myself at a slim 6, but a healthy 8 is easier to maintain. Although in actuality that sounds silly because as we all should know, SIZES dont mean anything but manufacturing, advertising, and consumerism. I prefer to go by inches especially since frames can be different. But, speaking in pounds I think I hit 190 not long ago and I am 5'9 with a medium frame. It really upset me, but the funny thing was- not enough to bust into action like a similar gaining spike did in the Fall of 2003.

I go through periods of total feelings of disgust followed by motivation but it's like the motivation is always for tomorrows workout and tomorrows food log and then I have lost feeling and forgotten when tomorrow becomes today.

This is my first day in PEER training, has it worked for you?

Friday, August 26, 2005, 9:48 AM

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Yes, peer trainer has worked. My husband likes me overweight, so absolutely no motivation at home. This is it. I've lost 13.5 lbs in 12 weeks, and probably could have lost more if I tried harder. This site definitely has made me accountable, and thats all it seems I needed.

Good luck. I'm sure you can achieve your goals!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005, 9:52 AM

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Don't dwell on the past - live for the present! dream of the future!

I spent my entire 20's overweight - 200+ pounds, heaviest was 230. I had never tried a diet before - I was too stubborn, felt like I should be able to do it on my own. The year I turned 30 I finally decided to join WW - still never DIET - just changed my lifestyle. I'm now 33 and have kept off 50 pounds for the last 3 years - and I'm still working to lose the rest of my excess weight. I feel like a new person - I can't allow myself to feel like I wasted my 20's - it doesn't help me today. My skinny sister (all 115 pounds of her) once said "don't you wish you would have done this sooner?" Not helpful. I don't talk to her about it much - because she doesn't understand. Yesterday is gone - I'm happy today - I feel GREAT!

You just weren't ready those first months after your child was born - and who cares - your focus was probably your child, and rightfully so - but now you are ready! Congrats! and yes, you can lose w/o working out - but not forever - as long as you are trying to move more - that counts! Sounds like you may be doing more than you think. Just keep moving - when your daughter gets bigger you'll be able to run around and chase her - and that's exercise, too!!

Forget about the past - you have so much to live for today! And don't be scared of lazy days - that's normal - we should all have lazy days now and again.

Enjoy today!

Friday, August 26, 2005, 10:23 AM

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to above poster

I think you make a great point about not worrying about the past. That's something we all need to learn in all areas of life. Thanks for the reminder!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005, 1:19 PM

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I totally agree.

This reminder is at a great time for me as well. Can't change the past. Only right now.

Friday, August 26, 2005, 3:44 PM

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AMEN. If we could turn back the clock and do it all over we'd all make different choices. All we have is today. I exercise today for the first time in God only knows how long. And it felt really good.
I have major health problems and though I KNOW what I need to do to help me get healthy I've had a hard time making myself get up and move. Its always "tomorrow". And tomorrow doesn't see any exercise, either.
I'm really new to this, too, but its very motivating to know there are other people out there doing the same things you are and know exactly how you feel about things.

Friday, August 26, 2005, 4:22 PM

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i am very upset with myself for allowing myself to become over weight be depressed about it and still not excercise. i eat b/c im depressed and im depressed b/c im fat tell me the solution plz!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 9:33 PM

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Exercising is minor compared to diet

I do NOT want to downplay the benefits of exercise. But research shows that diet is 80% of weight loss. I am living proof of that: there have been weeks, months, when I have exercised every day, and then other times when I haven't been able to get to the gym for a while, and as long as my diet is consistent, I lose the same amount of weight. Example: I was working out for an hour a day at least 5 times a week all summer, and maintaining a healthy diet, and I was losing about 1 - 2 pounds per week. Then I had surgery in mid-August and couldn't go back to the gym for 5 weeks. I maintained the same diet and in those 5 weeks I lost 7 pounds.

I just want to point this out because some people think if they're not exercising that they're not going to lose weight and that is NOT the case. You can do it on diet alone if you have to. With me, it took losing some weight first by dieting to motivate me to get into the gym.

And to the person who asked whether PEERtrainer works, unequivocally, yes. I have lost over 20 lbs. in 3 months. Just logging what you eat makes you realize what you are doing and what you can change, and joining groups can help you with that. Good luck!

Kate (kissmekate02 - Spotlight "clubs" group)

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 10:28 PM

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