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i really want to eat right now!

i always have food cvravings for no apparent reason. im not sad or stressed or anything. im actually in a pretty good mood. any suggestions for what i can do next time this happens?

Tue. Oct 18, 9:00pm

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Well, you started at the right place, you logged into peer trainer. What to do next? Eat gum, call a friend, drink some water, tea, go for a walk, read a book, clean out your closet, clean your bathroom, vacuum. The best thing is to keep active until the cravings stop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:05 PM

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Paint your nails. Call a friend. Do you have any hobbies? Do you listen to music?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:36 PM

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actually i need some hobbies! any suggestions? i actually did drink some water and cleaned my bathroom. thank you for posting and i did get over this craving without eating now lets see if i can do it the rest of the night! maybe the rest of the week?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:24 PM

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IDEAS for HOBBIES / STUFF TO DO.........................

I've been fighting my weight most of my life. I want to eat almost all day. My suggestion is to learn to eat things that won't make you gain weight when you "cheat" between meals, like cucumber salad, non-fat yoghurt, or strawberries.

But I also understand that you want to do things to take your mind off food, so here are some ideas for things to do when you want to eat:

read a cookbook;
plan your meals and snacks for tomorrow;
play a game of solitaire
take a card making class;
take a bead stringing class;
take a stain glass class or painting class
learn to knit or crochet;
go to the library and bring home some interesting books to read this week;
buy a crossword puzzle or game magazine;
watch TV or read a fashion, decorating, or "moviestar" magazine;
surf the net for some new clothes, stuff for the house, etc.;
read a catalog;
write a letter or email a friend you haven't contacted for a while;
write your goals for the next year;
walk in a mall, park, or high school track;
buy a yoga tape and do some yoga in front of the TV;
go to a beginner's yoga class
go to a meditation class or meditate at home;
balance your checkbook.

Hope these ideas help.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 11:20 PM

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cleaning is great for eliminating snacking. The smell of all those chemicals makes me feel slightly nauseous - I definitely don't want to eat afterwards! And the house gets clean in the process. Perfect.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 7:01 AM

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Get Inspired

I eat all the time because I'm at home all day. I'm not hungry. I just want to eat because it is satisfying so I have the same problem as you. Here's what works for me. I find that doing some other activity only delays my eating then I end up eating it anyway, just a little later. Hopefully these will help you to eat only when it's appropriate to be eating.

1. I keep a motivational video to watch frequently. My particular video is GI JANE. I love her body and her fierce determination. Watching her, thinking aobut her, I have renewed discipline.

2. I keep a photo of an obsese woman bingeing taped to my fridge. Most people find a skinny picture of what they want to look like motivates them but I'm most motivated by what I DON'T WANT to look like. Seeing her stuff her face really turns me off to food and overeating.

3. Brush your teeth, floss, use a good mouthwash, and chew sugar free gum. This is a delay tactic but it works well for a good amount of time.

4. Drink hot water with lemon in it. Often we just want to be ingesting SOMEthing. This is warm and comforting and has virtually no calories.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 9:00 AM

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thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments! i heard the brushing your teeth one before it must be a good one. thank you all again

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 10:07 PM

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